Xcode 5 and Application Loader hang when uploading app

I recently submitted my first app to Apple for the iTunes store. After fiddling around for several hours before solving all the ridiculous identity/signing issues, I finally had a validated ipa for submission to Apple.

First Xcode wouldn’t upload the file, it would just sit there. I then tried uploading via Application Loader (v2.9) and that didn’t work but while poking around I found the activity window and was able to track the progress. It would grind to a halt during the “Checking TCP/UDP” phase.

I was using the local library’s WiFi, so I first thought that maybe they were blocking a port for some reason. I tried it using my tethered hotspot but got the same lack of response.

I then checked my firewall settings. I had “Automatically allow signed software to receive incoming connections” selected and one would think that would be sufficient, but apparently not. I disable the firewall (temporarily, of course) while I restarted Application Loader and everything went though as expected.

I filed radar #15057608 to bring this to Apple’s attention.

Update 2013.09.25:

I tried to reproduce this problem to gather some diagnostics that Apple requested and the upload worked. There are two possible reasons:

– The original problem occurred on a Sunday evening, it’s possible that some server was down for weekly maintenance.

– I had been having other network issues possibly related to installing the latest 10.8.5 update via the App Store since the initial problem occurred. Specifically, it was just about impossible to access WiFi unless I rebooted, and some other app were unable to authenticate web services. These issues seem to have cleared up since I installed the 10.8.5 Combo update.

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